L’armonia, lo slancio dei suoi rami mi ricordavano una danzatrice
The harmony, the impulse of its branches reminded me of a dancer
Nome ⋅ name ⋅ Danzatrice
Anno ⋅ year ⋅ 2007
Luogo di ritrovamento ⋅ place ⋅ Bocca d’Arno – Gombo
Numero di serie ⋅ serial number ⋅ 070401
Dimensioni ⋅ size ⋅ 100 x 25 x 24 cm
Trattamento – Treatment
antitarlo ⋅ castagno ⋅ encausto ⋅ cera
woodworm ⋅ chestnut ⋅ encaustic ⋅ wax