Tenuta in mano e poi avvicinata al viso, ecco l’intrigante maschera veneziana
Hand-held and then approached the face, here is the intriguing Venetian mask
Nome ⋅ name ⋅ Maschera veneziana
Anno ⋅ year ⋅ 2015
Luogo di ritrovamento ⋅ place ⋅ Bocca d’Arno – Gombo
Numero di serie ⋅ serial number ⋅ 151301
Dimensioni ⋅ size ⋅ 41 x 30 x 13 cm
Trattamento – Treatment
antitarlo ⋅ castagno ⋅ gommalacca ⋅ cera
woodworm ⋅ chestnut ⋅ shellac ⋅ wax